Building Bulletproof Backs

Building Bulletproof Backs Ep 12 - CrossFit Coach, Ben Robinson talks Strength

Marion McRae - Physiotherapist & Movement Addict Season 1 Episode 12

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Welcome to the 12th episode of the Building a Bulletproof Back podcast.

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This podcast aims to empower listeners with HOPE that healing is possible when you know how. We discuss strategic tools addressing mindset, movement & emotional health.

I am your host, Marion McRae, a physiotherapist & movement addict on a mission to see the existing model of treating back pain evolve. The current model is broken. It focusses almost entirely on the physical body, neglecting the fact that we are all both thinkers and feelers. When the thoughts in our head, and the emotions in our bodies are less than optimal, we fail to thrive.

My guest for this episode is my local CrossFit Coach - Ben Robinson, who along with his beautiful wife, Nicole - Own and operate Margaret River CrossFit.

We discuss the variety amongst CrossFit centres globally and the need to ensure your own safety by doing your research, booking some 1 on 1 intro sessions before moving into group classes, and ensuring your coach's are invested in correcting your form and knowing your name! The E colours personality profiling tool is a great tool CrossFit coaches use to identify "at risk" movement personalities. I was surprised to hear that CrossFit is female dominated (approx 60-40) and the average demographic is a 37 year old female. De-stigmatising CrossFit from the world of online videos is important. The Format of each session consists of Mobility, following by Strength, followed by the "Workout of the Day" or WOD. The strength element consists of Power lifting (slower strength) and Olympic Lifting ( speed + strength). The movements help you identify where you are limited in your body and the usual suspects become apparent ; ankle mobility, hip mobility, thoracic and shoulder mobility.  CrossFit coaches use a variety of cue's to help client's learn, including Verbal, Visual and Tactile, and performance is tracked through an app - which provides motivation. 

Some Key Quotes -

" Technique First, Consistency Second, Intensity Third" 
" CrossFit is not for everyone, but everyone can do CrossFit" 
" 2 steps forward, 1 step back" - know that in the one step back, the two steps forward is coming
" See the injury as a learning opportunity" 
" Strength is Empowering" 
" Measure it to Manage it" 

Ben’s tools:

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Holistic Back Pain Rehabilitation includes tools for your mind, your heart and your body. For help with this - VISIT

You can start with reading a book $ 15
Or trialling a simple online course $ 27 - $ 900
Or seek assistance with a trained Bulletproof Backs Coach $ 195
(coaches are all physiotherapists with additional training in holistic practices)
Or Apply to Work with Marion directly.

Check out our Youtube Channel @bulletproofbacks

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